A Summary Of Daffodils

In the poem “Daffodils” William Wordsworth beautifully expresses his personal experience he himself felt from the lonely sight of daffodils  and inspires the readers to see and feel the hidden beauty around by using exotic imagery and figurative language.One day ,the poet was walking along the side of a lake .Suddenly, he eyed a large number of yellow daffodils under trees , fluttering and dancing in the breeze . They were stretched in long , endless rows like shinning stars in galaxy . The happily dancing daffodils eclipsed the dancing wave of the lake in excitement providing him an  overlasting , immense
pleasure .And his heart danced in synch with flowers to enjoy the state of perfect joy . Yest , he could not realize what great treasure the sight had added to his life .The charming scene of daffodils comes to his mind whenever the poet is unoccupied . The glory of the beautiful view penetrates deep into his heart and fills it with utmost contentment . In short, his ennobling realization of nature has become a great blessing for him in his solitude .